Matthew 6:1-4

Keep It Low Key

Don’t give insincerely – instead, prayerfully meditate on your giving habits. Are you giving because you personally want to gain something or enhance your reputation? That is no reason to give; it will not get you Read the rest

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Willing Gift

In today’s economy, it is often difficult to joyfully give gifts because there always seems to be financial hardships to overcome. Worry seems to be a barrier to giving towards God’s Church. Here, Paul assures the Corinthians that Read the rest

Luke 19:1-9

Salvation of Jesus

Lost doesn’t mean poor. There are many wealthy individuals who are lost and need help finding their way in life. Jesus found worth in Zacchaeus’s name and called him out by name, not by his wealth. But Read the rest

Hebrews 12:1-2

Minimalist Lifestyle

As a distance runner, I try to keep my clothing to a minimum so I am not carrying anything extra on my runs. Running lightly is a literal weight off my shoulders and allows me to run my Read the rest

John 19:1-37

Eternal Service

Jesus didn’t come to simply fulfill temporal needs. He was called for something above all else – to fulfill the Scriptures. His intentions were far beyond the grave, though to the disciples and many followers at the time, Read the rest

Luke 23:32-49

His Last Breath

Jesus served others up until His last breath. A Roman officer even oversaw the grueling agony of Jesus through the crucifixion process and brought him to believe that Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus did everything Read the rest

Mark 10:35-45

Jesus’s Motive

Verse 45 in Mark 10 reveals the motive of Jesus’s ministry and backs it with a basis for our salvation. A “ransom” is defined as “a payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner.” Jesus demanded Read the rest

John 13:1-17

John 4

Be the Friend You Want to Have

In Jesus’s time, it was customary for servants to wash the feet of homeowners and their guests. But Jesus chose to serve His closest friends and show them what love and Read the rest