John 11:39-44

Never Too Late It doesn’t matter how long you have been spiritually dead, God has the ability to bring you to life with a breath. Jesus has a way of demonstrating faith that can seem unattainable, but with trust and faith in Jesus, anything in His will is possible. You...

Acts 1:1-8

Jesus Empowers Us Fishing can be hit or miss. One day many fish can be caught and another not so many (sometimes none). But here Jesus extends His invitation to Peter and Andrew and gives them an opportunity to never again miss a catch in their life. Even on the...

Matthew 4:18-22

Stop. Drop. Follow. Fishing can be hit or miss. One day many fish can be caught and another not so many (sometimes none). But here Jesus extends His invitation to Peter and Andrew and gives them an opportunity to never again miss a catch in their life. Even on the...

John 13:34-35

Reppin' Jesus Jesus commands us to love as He loved us. This isn’t only for the benefit of ourselves, but to the world. This is an opportunity for us to demonstrate what it means to live and breathe Christ. People will know we are disciples of the One, true, living...

1 Corinthians 1:10-17

Unity Something that seems to have lost some traction in our world today is unity. God never intended or designed us to be divided, but sin entered the world and fractured us into a million pieces. But God sent His only Son to come and unify His people to Him...

1 Corinthians 12:12-27

One Body It is important to consistently be in the Word with God, but it is equally important to be in the Word with those around you. The beauty of God’s creation in humanity is our diversity in cultural experiences, race, etc. And with that comes different spiritual gifts among...

Romans 12:3-5

QT (Quiet Time) I believe that as Christians, consistent reflection is the most humbling experience we can encounter. Daily quiet time - a time of no distractions, solitude, and undivided attention towards our God should be scheduled. Why? Because it creates the opportunity for us to stop and pause in...

Mark 12:29-31

Love God and Love Others Jesus did us a favor by simplifying such a complex list of rules and commands us to love. This does not mean we should ignore all of the other commandments, but God has shifted the focus to love God and love others. Allow love to...

Genesis 1:26-27

Dynamic Duo God did not create man or woman to be alone. He made both men and women together for purpose and compatibility. Not only did He create us to complement one another, but we were designed by the inspiration of God. We carry the same traits that our Father...

1 Timothy 6:3-10

Money & God Money cannot and will not bring happiness. Money is like a drug in which you have the need to accumulate more and more of it to get the feeling of pleasure, but it only lasts for a moment until you need more. Getting caught in this endless...