Mark 10:35-45

Jesus’s Motive

Verse 45 in Mark 10 reveals the motive of Jesus’s ministry and backs it with a basis for our salvation. A “ransom” is defined as “a payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner.” Jesus demanded Read the rest

John 13:1-17

John 4

Be the Friend You Want to Have

In Jesus’s time, it was customary for servants to wash the feet of homeowners and their guests. But Jesus chose to serve His closest friends and show them what love and Read the rest

Psalm 146:1-10

Praise to the Lord!

Praise: the expression of approval or admiration of someone or something. ‘Praise’ is mentioned 43 times in Psalm 146-150. Even that is not enough praise for the One who sacrificed it all for us to have Read the rest

Mark 15:1-39

Valley to Mountain

Worship is going through the valleys to get to the mountain top. Jesus understood the greuling pain and mockery He would have to endure to free His people from eternal separation from the Father. He knew He Read the rest

John 4:1-38

Worship Wherever

Where we worship does not matter as much as whom we worship. We can go to church every Sunday and ‘worship’ God, but if on Monday-Saturday we continue to worship worldly pleasures, then Sundays become meaningless. We are Read the rest

Luke 4:1-13

Worldly Temptations

Knowing and obeying the Word of God can help us fight temptation. One avenue of worship is putting no other gods before our Savior. We have the ability to fight off temptations of this world with the Word Read the rest

John 1:1-18

God in Flesh

One of the many things that makes God so praise worthy is that He put on flesh by choice. He endured the life sucking separation from the Father so that we may be able to enjoy the Read the rest

Mark 11:1-19

Lost Worship

We come across two interesting incidents in this passage that coincide. One, the cursing of the fig tree and two, the clearing of the temple. The temple was an intended place of worship, but people neglected the practice Read the rest